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Da un estratto di Wikipedia the free encyclopedia: According to textile historians, chenille-type yarn is a recent invention, dating to the 18th century and believed to have originated in France. The original technique involved weaving a “leno” fabric and then cutting the fabric into strips to make the chenille yarn. Alexander Buchanan, a foreman in a Paisley fabric mill, is credited with introducing chenille fabric to Scotland in the 1830s. Here he developed a way to weave fuzzy shawls. Tufts of coloured wool were woven together into a blanket that was then cut into strips. They were treated by heating rollers in order to create the frizz. This resulted in a very soft, fuzzy fabric named chenille. Another Paisley shawl … 了解更多

ITMA 2015

GIESSE集团参加了ITMA 2015(2015年11月12日至19日,米兰)的H4厅,H4-F120展台。我们的员工可以为参观者提供信息和演示。如需联系和预约:info@giesseitaly.com。

