CMC – Chenille Machine Clearing System

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Iteco ® CMC system is the first and the only one clearer for frame spindle, whatever it is.
CMC uses the newest Iteco 'Non-Invasive Optical Technology' (NIOT), combined with the latest state-of-the-art electronics.


Iteco ® CMC system is the first and the only one clearer for frame spindle, whatever it is.
CMC uses the newest Iteco 'Non-Invasive Optical Technology' (NIOT), combined with the latest state-of-the-art electronics.

Results are basically:

  • 0.5 millimetres defect accuracy
  • detection of any defect online
  • every count on the same sensing head (optical unit), with no needing to exchange optical calipers
  • no needing to be programmed (Autoclearing procedure)
  • yarn twisting not effecting
  • interfacing with the Machine head (optionally)

The Iteco® CMC (Chenille Machine Clearing System) is made up by the following items:

1) SENSING HEAD: one every spindle (see above picture)

2) CLUSTER: one cluster every 8 spindles; Cluster allows to connect groups of 8 Sensing Heads. Every Cluster is connected to another one and the last one to the POWER STATION.

3) POWER STATION: powers up the full line of max.128 spindles; it's connected to the closest Cluster.

4) TABLET DATA STATION: controls the full line of max.128 spindles and is fully portable. The Tablet, using the Bluetooth technology that replaces the wired connections, allows data collection and Sensing Head programming. Data Station also manages all 'Machine Efficiency' analysis and Quality control, for frame production supervising.

Immediate benefits

The benefits of a Yarn Quality Control on chenille Machine are:

A NEW INTELLIGENT DOFFING: share good spindles from 'bad' spindles directly on the frame at the doffing.
NEW WINDER ASSET: new worker's asset on winding machine
TRASH SAVING ON REAL TIME: frame trash control = save money = huge increasing of Frame quality performances
FRAME PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY: On-line frame production efficiency control

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